Why would you want to add stress to something that should be helping to alleviate it?
Most fast-food franchise spas offer monthly massage memberships which automatically draft from your credit card or bank account each month regardless of your ability to make it in. You’re forced to monitor your account and take the steps to pause it if life gets hectic, or you end up losing money paying for massages you did not receive.
In lieu of monthly auto-draft fees, I offer a half off discount on every 4th massage session you have with me -
No matter how far out from the last three sessions, no matter what day or massage you book, regardless of how much time you choose!
You are also welcome to gift your discounted fourth massage to a friend, family member, or even someone in need whom you may not know personally. Just let me know after three consecutive sessions that you would like to gift your discount to someone else and we will take it from there…. with a full heart of gratitude.
For those who need a little help at the moment…
Massage is not a luxury; it is a therapy which provides several health benefits. If you find yourself struggling to fit a much-needed massage into your monthly budget please do not hesitate to reach out. Through our “Pay It Forward Program” some generous clients have donated their discounted sessions for others to use toward their massage booking. These discounts can range from half-off to a fully comped massage session, depending on needs and availability.